Pixelated Dreams Reprised | Lyrical Video | Tanjina Islam Feat. Praneet Akilla | Ampliify Times

2017-01-19 5

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"The video is about two people from another world, who crash land on a new (or old) planet. They are separated, but use light to find each other.
The video also touches on long distance relationships, and the different things done to make a situation exciting. The video shows Praneet getting
things together so he can surprise his love when she does eventually find him."

Full Lrical Video - Pixelated Dreams
Singer : Tanjina Islam & Praneet Akilla
Starring : Praneet Akilla & Lamia Z
Lyrics : Tanjina Islam & Praneet Akilla
Composition : Bhaveek Makan
Music Arrangement : Bhaveek Makan
Mixing and Mastering : Bhaveek Makan
Video Producer : Rendering Glint Films
D.O.P. : Jashan Makan
Colorist : Jashan Makan
AD : Bhaveek Makan
Editor : Bhaveek & Jashan Makan
Directed By : Praneet Akilla

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Buy it on iTunes Video : - https://itunes.apple.com/in/music-video/pixelated-dreams-reprised/id1189092033

Buy it on iTunes Audio :- https://itunes.apple.com/in/album/pixelated-dreams-reprised/id1189142296
Listen it on Gaana : - http://gaana.com/album/pixelated-dreams-reprised
Listen it on Saavn : - http://www.saavn.com/s/album/bengali/Pixelated-Dreams-Reprised-2016/Y0pqvrcyI7A_
Listen it on Spotify : - https://play.spotify.com/album/2oQ2gMitzv1MwsCN95cKbB?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open
Amazon.in : - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N0THI3B/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1482731537&sr=8-4&keywords=Pixelated+Dreams

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